Solving conflicts, violence within the nations

Dear editor, I most sincerely and highly commend and appreciate the tremendous efforts of the United Nations(UN) under the leadership of the secretary general B. Moon, the world leaders and all those who directly or indirectly help everyday, every hour and minute in curbing and solving conflicts, violence and crimes in Africa and the world over.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Dear editor,

I most sincerely and highly commend and appreciate the tremendous efforts of the United Nations(UN) under the leadership of the secretary general B. Moon, the world leaders and all those who directly or indirectly help everyday, every hour and minute in curbing and solving conflicts, violence and crimes in Africa and the world over.

People get scared and frightened whenever conflict or violence arises anywhere. Despite the increasing efforts and measures the UN and other International communities are taking, violence and conflicts continue.

The people at the bottom of the mountain cannot see or hear those at the peak of the mountain clearly. They can perhaps hear through an echo which might also be very faint. What I am saying is that the yearnings and aspirations of these people should be listened to directly in order to enlighten them and change their behaviours positively to shun away from participating in violence, conflicts and crimes. In most cases only their top most representatives are involved in the decision making and problem solving alone.

The general population remains ignorant and unenlightened and this may not give long lasting solutions.

It is from this context that the UN should create an agency that can come up with a program for educating and enlightening the general population especially the youth, both the literate and illiterate. This will make generations able to resist and say no to conflict and violence. It will help them copy from the developed nations and hence wipe out violence and conflict or make it as minimal as possible.

The UN has all the potentials to do this and should mobilize all the relevant resources it has to plan and implement this. For example, its political analysts, politicians, sociologists, religious bodies, psychologists, philosophers, economists and security agencies, media executives etc, can team up over the nations to plan, develop and implement such a program to that effect.
