Fresh graduates should focus on job creation

More than 3000 students, on Friday, graduated from the National University of Rwanda. This is the latest addition to the other recent graduates from various universities across the country. We are witnessing an unprecedented increase in the numbers of people graduating from universities. This is testimony of successful policies that have been implemented in regard to higher education in the country.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

More than 3000 students, on Friday, graduated from the National University of Rwanda. This is the latest addition to the other recent graduates from various universities across the country.

We are witnessing an unprecedented increase in the numbers of people graduating from universities. This is testimony of successful policies that have been implemented in regard to higher education in the country.

Many others are graduating every year from foreign universities, having benefited from scholarships.

Whereas these new graduates present opportunities to the country, inform of bridging the skills gaps in different sectors, it also presents a challenge that fresh graduates have to confront.

Fresh graduates need a new mindset in regard to employment and jobs. It’s no longer a given that they will always find employment straight after school. More so, in order to be able to make a meaningful contribution to national development and also their own self development, new graduates must look towards job creation.

It is important they look for new opportunities, have the courage to take risks and start their own businesses. Many opportunities are available and those willing to take the plunge and be their own bosses, stand a higher chance of a bright future.

Financial institutions and other stakeholders  should support them through availing investment funds for those that come up with  viable businesses proposals.
