50 Police officers complete crime investigation course

50 Police officers have completed a three-month Criminal Investigation course aimed at improving their investigative skills. The graduation event was held at the National Police Academy (NPA) in Musanze district. Participants of the course undertook several modules including crime scene management, economic crimes, human rights and introduction to law and ICT, among others.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

50 Police officers have completed a three-month Criminal Investigation course aimed at improving their investigative skills. The graduation event was held at the National Police Academy (NPA) in Musanze district.

Participants of the course undertook several modules including crime scene management, economic crimes, human rights and introduction to law and ICT, among others.

Speaking to graduates, the Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIGP), Stanley Nsabimana, noted that while the country was on a rapid development course, crimes were equally getting sophisticated.

"We need good investigators who have the capacity to deal with the changing nature of crimes,” Nsabimana said. He urged graduates to put into practice the acquired knowledge to produce results in as far as crime investigations are concerned.

NPA Commandant, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Felix Namuhoranye, pointed out that through such important courses, police officers are better equipped to professionally investigate crimes.
