Perfect weekend… Ibrahim Kayaga

Ibrahim Kayaga is a Reggae musician popularly known as Rass. He is attached to Holy Jah Doves Band comprising six other musicians.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ibrahim Kayaga is a Reggae musician popularly known as Rass. He is attached to Holy Jah Doves Band comprising six other musicians.

Below is how he spends his weekend;

My weekend starts on Friday at around 6p.m. I go to Milles Collines Hotel to watch live music performances that go on until midnight. Aside from the music, I also enjoy drinks with my friends.

On Saturday morning, I spend sometime at home cleaning and putting things in order. After lunch, I start preparing for my performance at White Horse that begins at 10 and goes on till 2a.m.

After relaxing for about an hour, I go to Planet Club at KBC. I love the DJs there because of the music they play. I normally leave that place at around 4a.m.

On Sunday, I wake up at around 1p.m. and freshen up before having lunch. Unlike other days when I have lunch in a rush, on Sunday, I freely enjoy my favourite meal comprising chips, meat and rice.

In the afternoon, I may go out jogging or for a physical fitness exercise at Alpha Hotel gym. If not, I may go swimming or visit my friends and family members.

At around 6p.m, I go home to prepare for the next day. I have supper at around 8 p.m. For about 30 minutes, I listen to music and get to bed at around 9:30.

That makes my weekend perfect
Photo G. Mugoya