Jobseeker’s Diary

This is what I would call Part 2 of my public transport nightmare. Thanks to the always crowded bus stops, I’ve missed most of the African Cup action so far. If I don’t miss most of the match, I’m too tired to watch when I finally get home. So what do I do as I wait for the bus? A lot actually. My observation skills have improved a lot these past few days, thanks to the different characters that turn up at Bus stops. There’s the suited man who always looks out of place. He works at a nearby bank and I know this because he proudly displays his ID for all to see. I could be wrong but sometimes I think he looks down on us ‘unsuited’ travellers. I think he should just buy himself a car so we don’t mess his suits.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

This is what I would call Part 2 of my public transport nightmare. Thanks to the always crowded bus stops, I’ve missed most of the African Cup action so far. If I don’t miss most of the match, I’m too tired to watch when I finally get home. So what do I do as I wait for the bus? A lot actually. My observation skills have improved a lot these past few days, thanks to the different characters that turn up at Bus stops. There’s the suited man who always looks out of place. He works at a nearby bank and I know this because he proudly displays his ID for all to see. I could be wrong but sometimes I think he looks down on us ‘unsuited’ travellers. I think he should just buy himself a car so we don’t mess his suits.

Then there’s the hippy guy who loves his music. He plays it so loud you can hear it through his phone’s earphones. What amuses me is when he starts to sing along whatever song is playing without a care in the world. Sometimes he taps his left foot or snaps his fingers to the beat. A couple of times, he has pulled some dance moves and I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Not to be left out are the girls. Young girls mostly, usually wearing tight Jeans and short skirts. All pretty I must say and their faces don’t depict any frustration of waiting 40 or so minutes for a bus. Usually, they’re in clicks of three or four and talk about many things, some private, others not so private. Occasionally, they Hi5 each other and touch up their makeup right there on the pavement.

Sometimes, cars stop and these girls jump in. At first I thought they were acquainted with the drivers but soon realized that isn’t the case. I doubt I’d just hop into a stranger’s car, especially at night but after waiting, scuffling and failing to get on the bus, who can blame them for hitching a ride? I do hope they get home safe though.

There are also the enterprising hawkers who have turned the bus stops into boutiques. They sell everything from tops and pants to shoes and bags. Is it me or do these items look quite catchy under the cover of darkness? Coupled with their coaxing, you end up buying things you hadn’t budgeted for. Then you get home and on close inspection, realise that the green skirt that caught your eye doesn’t look that good or the shirt doesn’t fit since you didn’t try it on.

Apart from the long wait, the other annoying thing has to be the different scents hanging in the air. There are different people so naturally, different smells are bound to go round. Fa, Nivea, Sport, Axe, Smart, hair oil … it’s all there. And, I’ve been a culprit too. I wasn’t wearing a strong perfume but I was carrying bananas in my bag! Please, don’t laugh and I must stress that this is not something I usually do. Earlier at lunch, I had picked up two bananas from a restaurant but forgot to eat them. Back at the Bus stop, I opened my bag to answer a phone call and suddenly, the air was filled with the smell of bananas. I wondered what the people sitting next to me thought. Probably something like, "This girl has gone bananas.”

To be continued...