Walking – an ideal exercise

The means of transport have increased with urbanization and development.  Majority of the people use a transport for going to any place. Result is few people walk regularly. When someone is not used to walking regularly, he is not able to do so when needed. If by chance he has to walk a few kilometers, he tends to develop breathlessness and gets tired easily.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The means of transport have increased with urbanization and development.  Majority of the people use a transport for going to any place. Result is few people walk regularly. When someone is not used to walking regularly, he is not able to do so when needed. If by chance he has to walk a few kilometers, he tends to develop breathlessness and gets tired easily.

The first milestone for development in a human being is walking. Nature has designed a human body to walk by providing two legs. As any machine tends to get rusted or decayed if not used, so is the human body. If one does not walk regularly the legs start getting stiff with advancing years and problems of rheumatism creep in. In contrast people who walk regularly never get the problems of osteo-arthritis or rheumatism in their legs and their legs remain as supple as that of youth always.

Walking regularly helps in burning of the extra calories and keeps a person slim and trim. This helps in preventing diseases like hypertension, diabetes, e.t.c., and helps in their better control.

The beneficial effects of walking are not only on the body fat but it also helps to tone up and exercise the lungs, heart, intestines, and other internal organs. The blood circulation to all parts of body is increased thus oxygen is supplied to all body parts in adequate amount keeping them healthy. Sweating at the end of a long and brisk walk removes the grime from the skin thus imparting a healthy glow. A person always feels fresh and good after a long walk. One can try taking even a short walk in between doing some important assignment or studies. Because of feeling fresher after the walk he or she would be able to concentrate more and work more efficiently. Similarly walking also provides a good opportunity to concentrate in order to find a solution to some problem. Thus, regular walking also helps in improving the mental health of a person.

 If you are feeling depressed, just walk some distance in silence.  Watch other people pass by, see the birds, the trees and the traffic around as you move. Very soon you would find your spirits elevated and the gloom would disappear. Watching the nature around, you are compelled to  appreciate the beauty of nature and the world around you. The other advantages of walking are no less. Leisurely strolls with close friends and family members provide excellent opportunity to communicate with one another which is not possible otherwise because of busy schedules.

In these days of spiraling petrol prices and transport getting more expensive you save fuel and also  your own money by walking  for small chores around. Only thing needed is the motivation to walk.

One of the great men of the world Mahatma Gandhi called walking as the, "queen of exercises.” It is true. Walking is a very economical and pleasurable exercise and sport. It is economical, does not require any special equipment or place or company. Some people think that walking can be done only in the morning or evening. This is not true. With due protection like using sunglasses and drinking adequate amount of fluids one can walk even during  hot afternoons, only the will to walk should be present. If you are busy enough to walk in the mornings or at a fixed time, walk anytime you are free or whenever you go for some shopping or social visit.

Walking is very useful for your physical, mental, social as well as spiritual health. So start walking now and walk your way to good health.

Dr. Rachna Pande
Specialist Internal medicine-Ruhengeri Hospital
E-mail :  rachna212002@yahoo.co.uk