
All people over the world are practically the same, physically as well as emotionally. But what makes a person different from others is the presence or absence of manners.

Friday, January 27, 2012

All people over the world are practically the same, physically as well as emotionally. But what makes a person different from others is the presence or absence of manners.

In a loose term manners can be defined as something which is the accepted norm of good behaviour in a society.

One who exhibits good manners is loved and respected by all wherever he goes. In contrast a person who shows lack of manners is not liked by people.

Basic manners are the same, all over the world in all nations and communities. Apart from this there may be minor variations.

Greeting a person on meeting him is the first good manner. It is taught to all and everybody is expected to follow it. The greeting should be rendered in a polite manner and according to the prevailing customs and culture. An individual younger in age and or position is expected to greet the senior person first. The senior person is supposed   to reciprocate. Saying a greeting on departure is equally appreciable.

A person who talks softly and politely with others, gives due attention to what the other person is saying in a conversation, is not critical or boastful, is considered to be good mannered. Same etiquettes of talking apply when one is talking on the phone.

While serving drinks or snacks   in a group of known people, it is considered polite to offer first to others and then one should serve himself. The snacks or drinks should be served first to people who are senior in age and or position.

Opening the door for others, when driving a car, is also considered as one of the good manners. Making way for others on the road, while walking or driving a car also constitutes good manners.

Good manners are not to be extended only towards known people. One should always keep good manners while dealing with strangers also. One may encounter strangers while travelling or at work place, but should be respectful and courteous towards them always. Whatever may be the situation, like one may be tired or overworked, but in no way, one should forget good manners. Even if there is somebody provoking a person, he should never forego etiquette.

 There is a long list of do’s and don’ts, in the context of manners. Some people are ignorant about the importance of good manners. But gradually they learn and pick up etiquette while mixing with others. But some persons know about manners but do not follow any one of them. If they have achieved some wealth or position in the society, they consider themselves to be superior to others. Out of sheer arrogance, they become impolite towards others. Little do these people realize that by not being well mannered, they lose respect in front of others. Out of politeness, another person may not comment about his bad behaviour openly. But in their hearts and minds they will have no love or respect for such arrogant individuals.

It is therefore good for every person to inculcate good manners in his day to day life. Starting from morning up to night, a person should mind his manners. This will make his behaviour pleasing and respectful.

It is not difficult to do so. An individual has to remember a simple saying that one should behave with others in the same way as he would like others to behave with him. Naturally any person desires people to be courteous towards him whether at home or in a public place. Same thing he needs to practice towards others.

If all people are always courteous and observe good manners towards one another in any kind of transaction, everybody will be relaxed mentally. There will be no stress or stress related problems in such a pleasant environment.  

Dr. Rachna Pande`