Aunt's corner

Dear Aunt Silvia, I am a married man with three children. Recently, I met a young lady and one thing led to the other, and we are now very tight. I am so much in love with this college girl –but the only problem I am facing right now is that she has made me choose between my family and her. I love my family very much and don’t want to hurt their feelings, yet I also want to be with this girl. Please, advise me.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dear Aunt Silvia,

I am a married man with three children. Recently, I met a young lady and one thing led to the other, and we are now very tight. I am so much in love with this college girl –but the only problem I am facing right now is that she has made me choose between my family and her. I love my family very much and don’t want to hurt their feelings, yet I also want to be with this girl. Please, advise me.


Dear Issa,
Here you are married to a wonderful woman who has given you three children and you still have the audacity to cheat on her? What is this nonsense you are talking about not wanting to hurt their feelings? By the fact that you are with this girl, you have hurt their feelings, this you should know, so stop pretending to be emotional.

If we go back a little let me remind you of one book in this world which is of importance because it gives us advice that nobody else can; the Bible. Have you ever read it? Let me hope you have, and if you have not -go to the book of Luke chapter16 verse 18, which says that anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery. Then if you go to the book of proverbs 5:18- 19 it is clearly stating; so be happy with your wife and find your joy with the woman you married, pretty and graceful as a deer. Let her charms keep you happy; let her surround you with her love. Need I say more?

As a married man, family —your wife and children — always come first. This is not negotiable. From the very start, if it is a must that you have to be involved in an extra marital affair, this girl should have known your status and it should be clear to her that your relationship with her continues only as long as she respects your family. In such illicit relationships, some men lay down the terms and conditions from the onset of the union. Family is first, mistress second — period! There is nothing to negotiate about.

What you are doing to your wife is not fair. Go back to her and apologise if you must for wronging her. This other girl is just a passing phase if you ask me. Men never seem to learn; did you know that in case of anything, the only woman who will be left standing by your side is your wife? This girl will disappear into oblivion just the same way she came into your life.

So, wake up and stop hallucinating; extra marital affairs are no longer the in thing. People are scared of so many things one of them being HIV/AIDS which is killing people every day. Think of what will happen to you and your family when you find yourself in that situation. Severe all ties with this girl, repent and go back to your wife; she will forgive you and life will continue.