Fuel prices impact on other commodities’ prices

Dear editor, Fuel prices impact on commodity prices. The price of grains has gone up this week in most Rwandan markets because of increased transport costs.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dear editor,
Fuel prices impact on commodity prices. The price of grains has gone up this week in most Rwandan markets because of increased transport costs.

Traders are assuming the prices of the festive season but as demand goes down, prices are also dropping especially at retail. High transport costs have highly affected the prices too. There has been low supply of food in all markets which was brought about by transport failure.

The commodity transporters are assumed to have taken a break to understand the increase in fuel price, thus low supply prompting the traders at the different markets to increase wholesale and retail prices. Irish potatoes supply has also been affected by the unfavourable conditions as off lorry price at most markets escalates.

Unless therefore, fuel price increase is checked, we are bound to go into further trouble.
