‘Coaching program’ tipped to improve decentralization process

The acting Director of Local Government Capacity Building in the Rwanda Governance Board (RGB), Alexis Afrika, has said that a new coaching program, will improve the process of decentralization and service delivery in districts.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The acting Director of Local Government Capacity Building in the Rwanda Governance Board (RGB), Alexis Afrika, has said that a new coaching program, will improve the process of decentralization and service delivery in districts.

Afrika made the remarks during the graduation of the first team of coaching managers, held in Kigali at La Pallisse Hotel this Friday January 20. The pioneer group received certificates of merit after a 5-day training.

This is the pioneer group of coaching experts since, RGB started the implementation of a new Capacity building programme for local Governments known as ‘Coaching approach’ in September 2011.

The group will help district leaders in addressing issues of public finance management, work organization and planning- which were highlighted during a survey on situation analysis.

This pilot phase is being implemented in 10 Districts;Huye and Nyaruguru in the Southern Province; Karongi, Rutsiro and Nyabihu in Western Province; Musanze and Gakenke in Northern Province, Rwamagana and Gatsibo in Eastern Province and Nyarugenge in Kigali City.

 The outcomes of the project will be the basis for further extension to all the districts.

 "The coaching project is a new process which will enable us to assist and advice districts in service delivery and decentralization,” said Alexis Twahirwa, one of the trainees..

The programme is co-funded by RGB and Public Service Capacity Building Secretariat (PSCBS/ Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC) and is also supported by other key partners, mainly the German Technical Cooperation (GIZ) and Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA), who play a key role in the implementation of this pilot phase.
