Baby girl’s heart condition attracts public attention

KARONGI -  Following last week’s story of a 1year old baby battling a heart defect in Karongi District, the public has reacted with sympathy calling for timely treatment in order to save her life.

Sunday, January 22, 2012
Little Angel in hospital. The Sunday Times / S. Nkurunziza

KARONGI -  Following last week’s story of a 1year old baby battling a heart defect in Karongi District, the public has reacted with sympathy calling for timely treatment in order to save her life.

One reader, Fanfan Rwanyindo, expressed concern the fact that Dr Joseph Mucubitsi, who is supposed to be the one in charge of elaborating the list of those in urgent need of surgery, does not know if Ineza is on it.

"I do not think it requires a long process to know whether she is on that list or not. It is simply a matter of checking. One shouldn’t wait to ask about Ineza’s medical file,” Rwanyindo said in an email.

She added:” I have many questions you may not be able to answer despite your good faith and my point is that anything must be done to save Ineza’s life,”

Rwanyindo revealed that she also had a son who was born with a heart defect involving a hole on the partition wall of his heart. But nothing was done and the little boy died at the age of 4 on 26th June 2011.

"We had always been told that he could not be put on "that special list” because apart from having the heart defect, my son was born with Down Syndrom,” she said.

"How can one get in touch with Ineza’s parents for a small contribution towards her daily medical expenses?” said another reader known as Christian Muvugukuli.

Denise Rwakayija, in charge of Customer Relationship Management Executive/Sales and Marketing Department at MTN, also sent a message via email.

"As a mother, my heart goes out to the parents of this sweet little angel. I want to thank you for bringing attention to her case.  With the many unfortunate incidents that are happening in many of the health centres in the country and delayed action to many critical situations, I sincerely hope this goes a long way in soliciting required timely assistance for this child.”
