Best O’level student lacked fees

School was not a bed of roses for John Bosco Habimana as he had to outsource financial help in order to continue with his academics.

Sunday, January 22, 2012
John Bosco Habimana . The Sunday Times / I. Mugisha

School was not a bed of roses for John Bosco Habimana as he had to outsource financial help in order to continue with his academics.

Habimana, 19, was named amongst the best students in O’level, finishing in the first division with an aggregate of seven.

Having lost his mother at a tender age, Habimana’s education had all but ended after when he had to drop out of school in Primary Four in 2004 until he miraculously obtained sponsors who paid for his school fees.

"My father is a poor farmer and could not afford to pay for my education when I dropped out; I sat out two years, but God had me in His plans. I was able to get a good family from America which has supported me with everything I need,” Habimana narrated to The Sunday Times yesterday.

"I have everything to thank for New Life Christian Ministries because they are the ones who, after realizing my potential, helped me to get sponsors. The school has been supportive and I am very grateful to them for making me who I am today.”

Hailing from a home of seven siblings,  and after realizing the hard way that going to school was a luxury in the family, Habimana was challenged to make a difference.

"Amongst my brothers and sisters, my youngest brother and I are the only ones who have been able to go to school. Some are married and others are trying to make it in life, but they did not get a chance to go to school; I am motivated to make my family better,” he said.

His motivation was further cemented by a statement he posted on Facebook reading that: "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try one more time”.

The Headmaster of New Life High School, John Africa, poured praise on Habimana for staying focused against the tides of youthful adventure that usually have a toll on their performance in school.

"He is a well disciplined young man and his excellence did not come to me as a surprise. His teachers are always proud of him and his teamwork with classmates was outstanding,” Africa said.

"From the start, Habimana confided in us that he never wanted to become poor but instead wanted to work hard so that he would have the capacity to help those in need; and I think this type of motivation is what led him to also become the best student in PLE from New Life Academy, our sister school”.

New Life High School was one of the outstanding performers producing two students in the top ten, and 116 students finishing with an average aggregate of 8.

List of the top ten O’level candidates (not in any order)