Neighbour Diaries: Happy New Year Indeed!

So it is a new year, well, it is already past half-way the first month of the new year already, and I have broken almost all of my new years’ resolutions.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

So it is a new year, well, it is already past half-way the first month of the new year already, and I have broken almost all of my new years’ resolutions. There is this thing called inflation, and then there was the insane spending during the Christmas season. Plus, if you noticed, the girls were a bit more understanding during that season. "Understanding” as in, they didn’t require as much convincing as before. That is how, despite all my issues concerning Samantha and Jojo, I found myself getting two more "girlfriends”. One of them, Desire, took things a little too far and even started introducing me around as her fiancé. On New Years’ Eve, she even sent me a message, on TV! That she loves me dearly, and that she is looking forward to our upcoming wedding...of course that was a joke, or so I hoped, but apparently, not to everyone. And guess who told me about that message... Samantha! Yeah, Samantha was at home, inside the house, on New Year’s, being the good girl she is, watching TV. Me, I was already half-
way to total intoxication, by the time New Years’ came round. So, she sent me a text telling me that I had just received a love message from a girl calling herself Desire. I thought it was the liquor in my brain making me read things that didn’t exist. So, I texted her back, asking her why she thought I was the same Shem that message was intended for. She replied back saying that the sender of the message had put my phone number, after my name.

At that time, I was too intoxicated to really notice how dangerous it was. I put away the phone and immediately forgot about the whole thing. Two days later, I realized that Samantha hadn’t even sent me a Happy New Year’s message. Strange behaviour there! So, I sent her a text, and she didn’t reply. I checked to see if it had been delivered, and sure, it was delivered. So I called her, imagining she might not be well. She didn’t answer. I started to panic. But there was nothing I could do, as I didn’t have any other option. So I waited. Then about two hours later, she sent me a text saying, "Hey, I thought you were on your honey moon!” I didn’t immediately understand what she was talking about, so I asked, "What is that supposed to mean?” And she answered, "Your wedding to Desire”. And it all came back... the New Year Message! I called her and tried to explain, but she simply said, "Shem, if it wasn’t serious between you and Desire, you would have called me by now. It has taken you three days! I really don’t
have time for this kind of thing, my emotions are not for playing with”. And she hang up. I called again, but she didn’t answer. I sent texts, but she still didn’t answer. She hasn’t answered ever since, and as much as it hurts me, I have to admit that I have lost the greatest girl I have ever met! Resolution Number 1 "to get a great girl and keep her” has already been broken.

Now to Jojo; Jojo pulled a vanishing act right after Christmas. Not that I had Christmas with her, but immediately after, her phones (yes, she has about four numbers, all active), went off. No one seemed to know where she was. After three days of trying to contact her, I gave up. She hadn’t even been staying in the apartment. I wondered if she had been kidnapped or something worse. Then, two days ago, she reappeared, suddenly. She just showed up in the apartment, as I sat watching a movie on her big flat screen. Not knowing if I should ask where on earth she had been, I said, "hi”. And she answered "hi. We need to talk”. She came sat down, and in her straight to the point manner, told me "am leaving the country. I am going to live in France.” I said, "ok”, because I didn’t have anything else to say. She wasn’t inquiring for my opinion; she was telling me what she was going to do. Then she added, "I am sorry I did this suddenly, but, that’s what my fiancé wants”. Fiancé! I thought I was her boy friend, and her
e she was telling me about a fiancé! This year was turning out to be something else!

She quickly briefed me about her fiancé, and the most shocking thing was that she and him had been dating for over four years! He was in France, that’s where he lived now. He had come for the Christmas holidays, I guess that explained the disappearing act she pulled. They were going to do a quick introduction, and then they would leave together… this posed a lot of problems for me! Happy New year Indeed!