Are you the world’s greatest friend?

Today I will talk about friendship again because I have noticed that here is just so much about to say about it. I’ve come across all sorts of friends; great ones, good ones, not so good ones and the downright, rotten ones.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Today I will talk about friendship again because I have noticed that here is just so much about to say about it. I’ve come across all sorts of friends; great ones, good ones, not so good ones and the downright, rotten ones.

Great friends are the ones who understand you. They know all about you and love you just the same. They influence you positively and are always at your beck and call. Imagine if you were stranded somewhere and needed someone to pick you up, do you have the type of friend who would come? Or, is that friend the kind that will lie to you and say that they’ll come and pick you but instead pull the covers over their head the second the calls ends?

Rotten friends are those who you think are laughing with you but are really laughing at you. They are the kind that insist on ruining your life no matter the cost (of course secretly) only to reveal their true nature after more than enough damage has been made. They come into your life with a purpose. You innocently think they are genuine individuals but their agenda is of another nature and it’s never a good one. Be wary of this kind.

Not so good friends however, will only love you when you have something to give or, when they can benefit from you in some way. The second things go sour in your life; they run out at such a speed that would put Usain Bolt to shame. When you get back on your feet later, they will shamelessly remember that you have a phone number.

Great friends must not be taken for granted. They are a treasure like no other –that means no ruby, diamond, emerald or pearl can ever measure up to them. It also means that you have to make an effort to be that kind of person too, in their lives.

I had a click of friends back in my ‘hey days’ (not that I am that old) and every time I sit down and reflect on that time, I have no idea why we were ever friends. We were too much into each other’s lives. We were always competing against each other. Of course, there was the occasional gossip of who said what about whom.

It later dawned on me that we were never friends. We just liked hanging out together. There was nothing positive we ever did for each other. We were selfish and very immature. Years later, I have come across some of them and it saddens me that they haven’t changed one bit.

It is still all about who will be seen where and who will wear the hottest outfit. You would think that after all these years; a person would be less enthusiastic about life in the fabulous lane (especially when you are not so fabulous).

I suppose that if I had chosen the right path from the start, my life would have been different. But I refuse to regret the time I wasted trying to fit in because that path also brought me some good things. Things I can’t live without now. Things I am more than grateful for in my life.

There is still plenty of time to make influential friends (if you haven’t already). I have made some of those over the years and in my perspective, they are everything a friend should be. I too, want to be that friend to them. I too, want them to feel they can always count on me. I just want to be the world’s greatest friend and I am well on my way there. Ask my real friends!