Low-cost housing project good news

Editor, I read with keen interest an article titled “RSSB to construct low cost houses” in The New Times of Monday, January 16.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Kabuga hillside estate. Developers have, of recent, targeted high income earners. The NewTimes / File.


I read with keen interest an article titled "RSSB to construct low cost houses” in The New Times of Monday, January 16.

During my visit to, Rwanda, last year, I had the opportunity to travel through all the four provinces.

The buildings which house the Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB) were all very striking, very similar to each other and could, therefore, be recognised from a distance.  

It is now very encouraging to read that RSSB will launch a construction project for housing units for low and middle-income earners.

It is also heartening to read that various commercial banks have endorsed this project and will enable people to acquire these units through mortgage arrangements.   

The Government, together with the banks, launched, a Credit Reference Bureau a while back.

This will serve as an indicator and will enable banks and funding institutions to evaluate the credit-worthiness of potential borrowers before advancing loans for these special housing projects.

Land in any metropolis always costs a premium. Kigali City is no different.

While RSSB will need to work around the Kigali City Master Plan, they could also look at possible construction sites in the neighboring districts, where the cost of land will be more affordable and will, thus, enable RSSB to construct these housing units within the reach of those for whom they are meant.

This housing project also endorses the fact that the New Rwanda takes a holistic approach to growth and development by catering to all sections of society.

Clarence Fernandes