Yoga for energizing the body

One needs a healthy body and a mind to be   in state of absolute health. The definition of good health as per the world Health organization is, “the physical, mental and social well being of an individual.”

Sunday, January 15, 2012

One needs a healthy body and a mind to be   in state of absolute health. The definition of good health as per the world Health organization is, "the physical, mental and social well being of an individual.”

Every person desires to be in good health and not suffer from any disease. But few people make sincere efforts to achieve this. Due to sedentary life styles, eating junk readymade food, physical and mental stress, many people suffer from   health related problems. Diseases like hypertension, diabetes, e.t.c., are the result of such life styles.

Yoga helps to correct the damage to the body caused by any of these factors.    It   consists of a series of exercises which help one to achieve the goal of perfect health of mind and body. Various yoga exercises help in better coordination of the mind and body and energize the body.

Yoga has various physical exercises intending to make the limbs and joints supple.   Extra fat and flabbiness are removed from the stomach and limbs after doing yoga regularly. It also exercises the internal organs of the body by different techniques thus improving their efficiency.

But the most important aspect of yoga is the breathing exercises.  In these exercises, one has to inhale and exhale deeply in fixed numbers with fixed pause. Different techniques of breathing are available for this purpose. 

It is said that only 1/4th of the capacity of lungs is used in the normal breathing of a person. By doing breathing exercises regularly, efficiency of the lungs is improved. This ensures better ventilation. This improves the quantity of oxygen delivered to various body parts, down to the level of cells.  The toxins and impurities accumulated in the tissues and blood are also removed in greater quantity. Clots clogging the blood vessels are removed, thus improving blood supply right up to the cell level.  This entire process helps in rejuvenating the body tissues and organs thus improving their efficiency. The improvement in functioning of all body parts, improves the overall health of a person irrespective of his age.

One feels very relaxed and fresh after doing yoga. The mind becomes absolutely tranquil and stress free. One starts getting good sleep. Those addicted to alcohol and or smoking, are able to quit effortlessly. All these factors help one in better control of hypertension, heart diseases, diabetes, e.t.c., chronic problems.

Age and gender is no bar to do yoga.  If children do yoga, they shall grow as healthy disciplined adults. Adults are benefitted by absolute relaxation and good health. Moreover one can do it at home without spending any money.

Yoga has no relation to any religion or culture. It is purely technical and scientific. In fact its benefits have been proved by various research trials. Yoga along with medicines is very useful for chronic and stress related disorders. Over a period of time requirement of medicines is also reduced. Only prerequisite for doing yoga is that it should be done on empty stomach. It can be done either in the morning before breakfast or 2 to 3 hours after any major meal. One should be cautious to avoid any jerky movement. Every exercise should be started from a low number and the number should be increased gradually. If one feels pain at any point, the exercise should be stopped.   Being regular in yoga is necessary to obtain maximum benefits. If somebody is not regular for any reason, he will   not get the full benefits but certainly there will be no harm in any way.

Considering the benefits of yoga, one can start doing it just for experimentation. After some days, the individual will feel the difference in his overall well being. Ideally, initially the exercises should be done under the guidance of an expert. If someone is not available to guide, one can take help of C.Ds and videos demonstrating yoga.