I hate people who…

…are still ranting about the long holiday. We are full speed ahead on the 2012 road and some of us are already back to our heavy work schedules.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

…are still ranting about the long holiday. We are full speed ahead on the 2012 road and some of us are already back to our heavy work schedules. Yes, hating is not easy. If you think it is then try saying this to a fellow who is stronger than you, "I hate you”.  Ok back to the point. I hate all those lazy jokers who keep telling us how they are not yet back in the work mode because of the Christmas break. Get back to work and stop whining. Can someone fire these lazy humans so they can continue their holiday uninterrupted?
      …post off topic statements on serious Facebook updates. I have actually just written to Mark Zuckerberg asking him to add the option of allowing us to report people with weak brains instead of only those who are spreading spam content. This is because I feel like spitting on fellows who respond to a serious update about something in the news for example by posting things like, "How are you? Long time?” Now what is this nonsense and what has it got to do with the post about the death of North Korea’s leader. I wonder how such people even end up on my friends’ list. These are surely the people my parents warned me about me when I was younger. I should have listened.  

      …are way too lazy to do anything in life. For this particular group I fail to understand why they even procreate. Surely we do not need any more of this kind. Oh how I hate extremely lazy people. And don’t pretend you have not seen them. I am talking about those very lazy people for example the ones who hire three house helps and then sit back to change TV channels. You find a lady who is not employed but has three house helps as if her home is some kind of restaurant. I wonder who gives birth to such lazy people whose only job is to sit and flip through TV channels looking for lousy Nigerian movies.  

      …always talk about celebrities as if they have no lives of their own. Ok so Jay Z and Beyonce had a baby girl. So what? How is the birth of that child supposed to help Rwanda achieve the millennium development goals or its Vision 2020? I really get pissed when someone asks me about ordinary things (giving birth has been around for as long as mankind existed) like Beyonce giving birth as if I am a midwife or gynaecologist. I really have better things to do and they include hating you who doesn’t. I hope when I eventually get Hater Junior you will remember to ask about that too...  

      …drive their cars each day without using their heads much. It is good to own a car here in Kigali but much better if you remember to use your head while inside one. I think on top of checking for one’s driving licence police should also consider checking some people’s heads as well. Have you seen those brainless chaps who keep driving and making new lanes where they are not supposed to be? They try to change lanes after making a wrong decision and end up blocking those who made the right decision. I really think such people have no business sitting behind the wheel of a car. And if I had a car such jokers would not even qualify to be passengers in it.  

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to

thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293