Society Debate:Is January like a Monday?

Jan brings new hope. All of us who are alive now have one thing in common- we made it through! God has granted us another year to pursue our dreams and to find more meaning in life, more reason why we should thank the Man Upstairs. I send condolences to families that lost loved ones last year; don’t lose hope, God loves you and he alone knows the plans he has for each one of us.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Jan brings new hope

All of us who are alive now have one thing in common- we made it through! God has granted us another year to pursue our dreams and to find more meaning in life, more reason why we should thank the Man Upstairs. I send condolences to families that lost loved ones last year; don’t lose hope, God loves you and he alone knows the plans he has for each one of us.

Today I’m feeling all preachy but for a good reason- I feel somewhat renewed, something I never feel every Monday- it throughout the year, but also every January when I’m ushered into a new year.

I think everyone should feel the same way; think about the accidents you survived, the friends who snitched you and all the broke spells that you maneuvered through. Here we are now, starting another full year beaming with unknown adventures, regrets and triumphs.

In a year there are approximately 52 Mondays, each beginning a new week and ending a weekend (of course!). On the contrary, we only have one January every year, each with 31 days. Obvious as that may sound; it gives us an insight into how January is full of hope, unlike the usual Mondays that are cursed by employees.

In most public offices, workers are required to report for duty at 7:30AM, an appropriate time I believe which should not be ‘too early’ for anyone throughout the week.

However, come Monday and almost everybody is dreading the thought of rushing to work all because of a prior eventful weekend they had. Sometimes it’s because they spent too much over the weekend and only need to borrow to see them through the week.

It is even worse for funs of the bottle, considering the fact that Monday is usually their day for nursing weekend hangovers. It is usually on Mondays that bosses will receive texts and calls from employees claiming to be down with malaria or grieving the death of a loved one… weird.

Enter a new year and someone will feel completely different, fresh and ready to become better. Never in my life have I heard people dreading January or claiming to suffer from ‘January blues’. Kids are eager to go back to school, churchgoers are eager to testify in church, parties are everywhere, generally speaking, and it is like a breath of fresh air.

Mondays may seem as simply beginnings of tough weeks with heavy workloads and assignments, but January is far from that.

January should be regarded as the beginning of 365 days of adventure; we should exploit all of those days, starting with January, to make our lives better and also improve the lives of those around us.

January is not all about hangovers and discouraging workloads; thanksgiving for making it through and hope for a bright future.
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