Solve issues of land once and for all

Editor , Yesterday’s issue of The New Times reported that hundreds of families in Gatsibo District were involved in endless land disputes with claims that they have in the past turned bloody.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Yesterday’s issue of The New Times reported that hundreds of families in Gatsibo District were involved in endless land disputes with claims that they have in the past turned bloody.

Land wrangles in Gasibo are related to inheritance, intermarriages, expansion of agriculture under the land consolidation programme and local leaders’ inability to solve disputes.

Land is a sensitive subject that needs to be handled amicably. Obviously, everybody needs land and such disputes will happen over and again. However, leaders should always come in before matters get uglier.

In the African society, such misunderstandings were agreeably resolved by elders living in the area and the leadership in Gatsibo District should engage them. I am sure that most of the elders know the rightful owners of any piece of land.

Eric Nuwagaba