Avoid parting in the mourning period

Dear editor, The mourning period, is some thing that has to do with remembering innocent people that were killed in the 1994 Rwanda Genocide.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Dear editor,

The mourning period, is some thing that has to do with remembering innocent people that were killed in the 1994 Rwanda Genocide.

The days set aside by the government to remember our people who perished in this period should be in fact respected.

The mourning time is not a happy moment, avoid organizing parties and going out for fun. Celebrating while other people are morning is not human.

Everything has its own time, there’s time to party and the time to mourn, why then mix the two things at ago. It is unfair when you decide to travel to Gisenyi for fun while your neighbours are planning to rebury the remains of their beloved ones.

Let us be realistic, and behave like human beings. Let mourning be done to help the people who lost their beloved ones rather than looking for fun at the wrong time.
