Jobseeker’s Diary

The New Year found me asleep! Blame the rain earlier on New Year’s Eve. I had planned to go for dinner (and no I’m not lonely). I just wanted to treat myself to a nice meal without some guy hovering. I ended up skipping the outing all together because the rain ruined everything. I did watch a movie though and by the time it ended, I was really sleepy which is unusual for me, especially on New Year’s Eve.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

The New Year found me asleep! Blame the rain earlier on New Year’s Eve. I had planned to go for dinner (and no I’m not lonely). I just wanted to treat myself to a nice meal without some guy hovering. I ended up skipping the outing all together because the rain ruined everything. I did watch a movie though and by the time it ended, I was really sleepy which is unusual for me, especially on New Year’s Eve.

Since it was about 10 O’clock, I decided to take a nap and figured I would be up in time to go outside and see some fireworks. I woke up to loud screams and whistling and knew I’d missed the crucial first few minutes of 2012. In a way, I felt cheated, especially when I remembered the common belief that what you do on the 1st is most likely going to reflect on what you do throughout the year! Meanwhile, I just remembered that I didn’t set any resolutions. I know I don’t keep most of them but I still feel I should set some anyway. So here I go:

This year, I’m going to try and eat healthy. I need to work on my three addictions; coffee, tea and sugar. Not your typical addictions but still not good for my health. I’m going to try Soy and Honey and see if the extra weight that’s been piling on goes. I’m also going to try not to eat chips more than twice a week.

Spoil myself a little: I’m not rich but I also know that life is short. For some simple things that I can afford, I will indulge; the occasional facial, pedicure and a nice meal at a nice restaurant perhaps once a month. I think I deserve that.

Save some more: I’m pleased with myself for finally starting to do this. It was hard at first but with time, it got easier and now I don’t have those struggles I used to have again and again about the need to save. I just do it and I know when that rainy day comes or if there ever comes a promising venture to invest in, I will have something to start with.

Take a cooking class: Okay my mother really tried to teach me, starting out calmly and then losing patience because I just can’t cook. It doesn’t help that I hate the chore. Plus, you have to do all this cleaning up afterwards. This year however, I want to make an attempt, not with all my friends who I have to say are good cooks, keep throwing these subtle hints that all women must be able to cook. I hope when I travel back home in December, I’ll be able to whip up something tasty for my family.

Socialize more: Naturally, I like my space and privacy. I would rather stay home than go to a noisy bar. God I don’t even dance or drink and let’s be honest, say you go out for coffee or a soft drink, the most you’ll take are two cups or sodas and it’s time to go home. It doesn’t make sense to hang out with people who are going to drown six or more beers or spirits, does it? Personally, I would rather read a book or watch TV. But for the sake of my friends who berate me for not having a life, I’ll try to go out more. Not sure if I won’t end up in front of the TV at the club instead of the dance floor though.

Date Yaya Toure: He’s young, rich and really looks like a nice guy. You know those guys you look at and just get this feeling they can’t break your heart? Well I think he’s one of them. I’ve not read about him caught up in some scandal or seen pictures of him falling out of night clubs with hookers. Just the kind of man I need. If only I knew how to get to him!

To be continued…