Fashion n Style:Men’s cologne;can repulse or attract

It’s really sad when you spent your hard earned dime on the colognes to smell good and attract people, but end up repulsing them. Surely you’ve come across a person who smells like they’ve just been rescued from drowning in a sea of cologne.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

It’s really sad when you spent your hard earned dime on the colognes to smell good and attract people, but end up repulsing them. Surely you’ve come across a person who smells like they’ve just been rescued from drowning in a sea of cologne.

Men’s cologne can work one of two ways for you, it can either be an asset with the ladies and drive them closer to you or literally make them sick to their stomachs and they run like away from you.

It’s really funny how too much of something can totally cause the opposite reaction of what your intentions were in the first place. How you apply your cologne can potentially damage a situation for you.

Too much cologne can leave a bad impression in a job interview or hurt your chances at getting a second date with the girl you’ve been chasing for weeks now.

This is how you can properly apply cologne.

For best results, apply cologne to your throat, wrists, chest, or the sides of your neck. These are "pulse points” for heat, and they create the best interaction between cologne and your natural oils.

When you spray cologne on your body in the right spots, pheromones mix together with the cologne to create an original smell. Your original smell. If you have ever wondered why the same brand of cologne smells different depending on who is wearing it, now you know.

Never apply cologne to your clothes, the smell will fade away in less than a few hours, plus your clothing does not contain natural pheromones like your body does, so spraying your shirt would not produce the full effect of the cologne.

Always have a few different colognes, I recommend at least 2-3 which you rotate often. Armed with these, you won’t be predictable. Predictable is boring, when you smell different just about each day, you will be displaying that you are a spontaneous person, a person with style, and with the right choice of cologne a person with class as well.

Finally, one thing you should keep in mind, no one should smell your cologne unless they’re standing close to you. If you enter a room and people start sniffling, you’re wearing too much. When in doubt, use as little cologne as possible. Last but not least, personally, I think you should avoid wearing cologne in very formal business settings like a job interview or business meetings.