Rwandans need to be strong to handle this!

Dear Editor Through your paper I would like to tell all Rwandans who are experiencing hard times in this mourning to be strong and know that they are not alone but Lord is there and will give them peace of mind.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Dear Editor

Through your paper I would like to tell all Rwandans who are experiencing hard times in this mourning to be strong and know that they are not alone but Lord is there and will give them peace of mind.

He will remind them to pray, forgive and continue with life without complaining.

It’s hard to whoever lost a relative during genocide but indeed I believe that Lord will raise them up to carry on.

I would like to suggest people around survivors like co-workers, and other people to a void discriminating characters, because it brings chaos in their minds and it doesn’t restore their hope.

You need to be around them, cooperate, act gentle because your presence gives them peace, and power to carry on and you will see me through this horrible moment.
