A bad behaved boy repents after stealing

Near our house in kimironko there’s an old woman who lives with his grand son. His name is Mike.

Monday, April 07, 2008

ear our house in kimironko there’s an old woman who lives with his grand son. His name is Mike.

He was given 500frw to go and buy some salt and matchbox. After buying them, Mike decided to hide the balance in a hole near there home.

When he reached home, his grandmother asked him for the balance. Mike strongly said that the shopkeeper didn’t give him the balance.

The old woman insisted, he kept on asking Mike to produce the money and threatened to make him sleep hungry if he did not produce it. It was the only money the old woman was remaining with. Mike kept quite; he couldn’t answer the old woman at all, he new the secret behind the money.

The old woman decided to call Sam her neighbour for help. When Mr. Sam came, he first called the shopkeeper to inquire whether he had given Mike the 300frws as the balance.

"I gave mike a quarter of salt and a matchbox for 200frws. Mike had given me 500frws and returned him 300frws as his balance" said the shopkeeper.

Mr. Sam requested Mike to produce the 300frws and if not, be punished in front of his friends until he says where he hid the money.

Mr. Sam beat up Mike and showed them where he had hid the money, under a mango tree behind the kitchen.

Mr. Sam went there and found the exact amount in the hole. From that time Mike promised not to steal again.

Fellow toddlers who are fond of stealing, we should all learn from Mike’s case. Stealing is a bad behaviour. Let us be good children by not picking things we are not given.
