The rise of same-sex relationships

Same sex relationships are an issue that carry a lot of controversy. To be honest, that might be an understatement seeing that in certain African countries, heterosexuals are literally crying for homosexual’s blood.

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Same sex relationships are an issue that carry a lot of controversy. To be honest, that might be an understatement seeing that in certain African countries, heterosexuals are literally crying for homosexual’s blood. Now, maybe it is an issue too delicate to touch but let us face reality; people with queer sexual preference exist and the number just keeps going up.

The question is how and when did it start? According to the free encyclopaedia (read Wikipedia) homosexuality is one of the three focal categories of sexual orientation along with bisexuality and heterosexuality. I don’t know about you but this sounds to me like something that has been around for ages.

The first known facade of homosexuality in print is found in a 1869 German booklet by the Austrian born novelist Karl-Maria Kertbeny. It was published incognito, arguing against a Prussian anti-sodomy law. Other sites suggest that the norm started out in ancient Greece and then spread slowly but without a doubt, surely!

The most common terms for homosexual people are lesbian for women and gay for men, though gay is also used to refer by far and large to homosexual men and women. In Africa, people take this very acutely and would rather protest on the streets or even riot than let it rest.

I personally have been to a couple of places and watched in disturbance as two men gazed into each others eyes like all the wisdom in the world was in them. I later snapped out of it and much as everybody else around me was down right offended by their presence, it dawned on me that these two men weren’t troubling anyone.

They simply sat there enjoying their drinks; gazing into each others eyes without a care in the world. Why was everybody else bothered and asking bouncers to throw them out as if they had assaulted someone? Sure it doesn’t look good (at all) but if they are not hurting anyone or causing unrest or forcing anyone to join their crew then what’s the fuss? I’m not saying what they are doing is right, but I’m not saying it’s wrong either. I’m just saying it is none of anybody else’s business but their own.

Were they born like that? Who the hell knows? Seriously, that is a question many people ask but the answer is always confusing—well, at least to me. But here is my theory. Unless you were physically or mentally handicapped at birth, no one is born like that. So, are murderers born murderers? Sure psychiatrists tell us otherwise and that killers usually had a very disturbing childhood but I say no!

Homosexuality could be dormant in all human beings and only surface at the time we begin to discover ourselves. It’s just that no one is brave enough to admit that or even talk about it. The answers are not all there.

When it gets violent or even criminal, then intervention is needed. I mean I’ve heard of certain ‘men of God’ and ‘leaders’ who are consistently accused of sodomizing boys world over. Now that’s just wrong! Any case of rape, sodomy or whatever else is out there should be tackled accordingly. But some of these people are the most peaceful, honest and realistic people out there.

Homosexuality is here in Africa and in our homeland more than people care to admit. But it’s not going away and it will only increase. Bear in mind that judgement was meant for only one person and we all know who that is. Throw that stone or spit at the gay guy and you’ll be oppressing a person who quite frankly hasn’t done anything to you.

The world we live in is rotten, strange, spiteful and challenging. It’s just the way it is.