I wish you the best in your holidays
Monday, April 07, 2008

My name is Atete Nadine and I am 5 old. I would like to wish all my friends, happy holidays. Special regards go to my entire family that is say; mum, dad, my 3 siblings and our maid.

I am Fabiola Uwase 6 years old. My holiday’s greetings go to all my climates. Best wishes go to my lovely parents, my siblings and our maid


Emery Niyogusa is my name. I am 5 years. I would like to send my holiday greetings to all my friends. Warm greetings go to mum, dad, grandmother, my Aunt and the maid.


My name is Janviere Ishimwe. I am 5 years old and I wish all my friends happy holidays. My greetings go to my 3 siblings, mum, dad.


Soleil Mwamikazi is my name. I am 6 years old. My best wishes for this holiday go to all those who know me.


My name is Diguina Abanyuze. I am 7 years of old and I wish all friends happy holidays. My good wishes go to my family members.


Divine Umumararungu 6, I would like to wish all my best friends a happy holiday. Best regards go to my mother, father, 2 kids, my 4 Aunties and one maid at home.


Aristide Aime’ Musabe is my name. I am 5 years old. I would like to wish all those who know me happy holidays. I wish all the best to my entire family.
