Reduce taxes on fuel

Dear editor, Due to the rising of fuel, it is imminent that prices of other commodities will rise too and as a result make life unbearable. This should be done in the interest of the population, because as of now prices are high.

Monday, April 07, 2008
Dear editor,Due to the rising of fuel, it is imminent that prices of other commodities will rise too and as a result make life unbearable. This should be done in the interest of the population, because as of now prices are high. This started since the Kenya’s crisis and nothing has changed as far as prices are concerned even when it normalized. The fuel price rise globally has sparked off the rise of consumer goods and therefore a need to protect the population. It is imperative that taxes on the most consumer goods be reduced, may be in order to bring about a balance, luxury items can be increased, such perfumes, beer, liquor and other miscellaneous goods that are not as vital as the basic ones like soap, food stuff, medical equipment, essential drugs, agricultural inputs and others.As prices rise, salaries remain static and hence making life more cumbersome. Powdered milk should also have its taxes reduced, in order to enable the population afford milk in general, so as to make the citizens live healthier. A Health body builds a healthy mind. Butare