Youth as peace promoters

Matters concerning peace and justice are of great concern to everyone and they affect everyone directly or indirectly. More so, youth and children are the most vulnerable and affected. They are always at the centre of conflicts within homes, society, nations and international disagreements.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Matters concerning peace and justice are of great concern to everyone and they affect everyone directly or indirectly. More so, youth and children are the most vulnerable and affected. They are always at the centre of conflicts within homes, society, nations and international disagreements.

This cases calls for their active participation in the promotion of peace and justice at all levels. They are either starved, displaced, neglected, orphaned, mistreated, killed, name it, whenever a conflict takes place. They form the biggest part of the armies in the world over. The next generation is in their hands and their ability to contribute to peace is not fully exploited.

They are informed about decision-making but, not involved. The biggest demand we have got in our country is peace and development. The old, young, disabled, paupers and wealthy all ensure that they participate in the peace process.

Youth can promote peace through love and unity. Love enables them to fight against bulling and strikes in schools. They also have the right to call out to the government to fight against child abuse starting from their own parents.

Young people can also contribute to peace in their schools by starting academic and drama clubs as a way of promoting unity as well as, improve their academics and contribute to their school’s development. 

In their communities, youth should engage in communal work like umuganda, which is a sign of patriotism and community development.

If all youth were peace promoters, they would be at the forefront of ensuring that matters affecting their livelihood, justice, reconciliation and peace are top on the agenda.

I conclude by saying that a peaceful person behaves responsibly and works hard to ensure a peaceful environment for others to live in. The involvement of youth in peace activities is the best way to achieve harmony in our communities and country at large.