Crimes decline in Rusizi

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI — The crime rate in Rusizi district has dropped since the beginning of the year, the district Police Commander, Superintendent Francis Muheto said at the weekend.

Monday, April 07, 2008


RUSIZI — The crime rate in Rusizi district has dropped since the beginning of the year, the district Police Commander, Superintendent Francis Muheto said at the weekend.

Muheto made the revelation during a meeting with the business community and district leaders at La Petite Colline Hotel in Kamembe sector.

"Many types of crimes have reduced for the last three months of January, February and March according to our criminal statistics," he said without giving them. He attributed the downward trend to improved discipline among residents.

"This really shows that people have changed their general conduct to avoid committing crimes," Muheto said.

Some of the crimes that reduced according to Muheto include: murder, defilement, rape, robbery, smuggling, counterfeiting, among others.

However, he noted that some crimes like fraud are on the increase. He urged residents to be vigilant always on their security and to report any suspicious cases in the area in time.

Participants, particularly parents, were asked to monitor their children always in order to avoid child defilement and murder cases.

Muheto also requested residents to work hand in hand with all government authorities in implementing community policing and to embrace all government programmes. He stressed the need for night patrols among residents.

The police chief further cautioned residents against genocide ideology and uttering words that may hurt genocide survivors during the genocide commemoration week which begins today. He urged people to show love and care to survivors.
