Living Life: A New Opportunity to Thrive

My distaste for New Year resolutions is legendary. A new year is just a calendar change of the same 24 hour day, seven of which make a week, and four weeks of which make a month etc.  

Sunday, January 01, 2012

My distaste for New Year resolutions is legendary. A new year is just a calendar change of the same 24 hour day, seven of which make a week, and four weeks of which make a month etc. I can guarantee you that a December 31st and a January 1st are as similar as two coins, at least in the wild where such tools of civilization like watches and calendars don’t exist. It is only in our organized world of years, annual this and that, where it matters that today is 2012 not 2011.

Now that you understand my distaste for resolutions, then it would be time for me to air out my manifesto for the New Year, nothing close to I will marry a wife, build a house, buy a car. We err when we promise to achieve dealings in a certain period of time because events are usually at the end tail of a process. However much I promise myself that I am going to build a house out of the blue, never will it come to pass unless a process of setting realistic monetary goals, planning a schedule and implementing it to the letter, is followed.

It thus goes that if one is to build a house in 2012, they must have at least entertained a thought if it in 2010 or 2011 before they even began to save funds for the construction. Thus, if they finally decide to put up the structure of their dreams in 2012, it will not probably come as a result of the conviction coming from a New Year’s resolution.

Yet I do not exactly hope to thrash the excitement that comes with the turn of a year. The Christmas holiday season break from the hum drum of busy ordinary living and the sigh of breath that comes with witnessing another year on earth can be harnessed as an opportunity to rededicate your efforts to the important things, be it family, business, employment or any other aspect of one’s life. It is an opportunity to thrive, to let the ideas and the wine of the ideas flow freely as one realigns their persona being with the reality and their purpose of life.

The holiday season is an opportunity where one can tap the serenity that comes with the ‘away-ness’ of being not around your usual life to encourage more creative thinking, consider options that one would never entertain otherwise with the aim of refocusing one’s locus.

This New Year, I wish you a focused Sunday!