2011 was a year of progress – Kagame

In 2011, Rwanda registered progress on various fronts, including development and growth of the country’s economy, the social sector, good governance, and in the justice sector.

Sunday, January 01, 2012
President Kagame delivering his New Year's message to the nation at midnight. The New Times / Village Urugwiro.

In 2011, Rwanda registered progress on various fronts, including development and growth of the country’s economy, the social sector, good governance, and in the justice sector.

This was observed by President Paul Kagame in his New Year’s Message to the Nation. He acknowledged the contribution of the people in fostering progress and urged Rwandans to double their efforts in the New Year.

The Head of State pointed out that in 2011, the country progressed despite the global economic turmoil and projected 2012 to be a year of peace, success and even further progress.

"Last year, we worked together and achieved a lot in various facets of our country’s development: in our economy, social sector, good governance, and in the justice sector. I wish to convey my gratitude
to you for that,” President Kagame said.

"This way of working together, based on our development plan, is what has brought our country this far and should characterize all our future actions.”

He noted that the level of economic growth that was attained and the impact it has had on all Rwandans, irrespective of where they live, should serve as motivation to even do more in 2012.

"Despite the global economic turmoil, our economy grew by 8.8% and inflation was contained at 7.4% in November last year, when inflation levels in other parts of our region were around 20%. We also managed to maintain our monetary stability,” the Head of State said.

"We should also be pleased that we have continued to make it easy to do business in Rwanda. In the last three years, we moved from the 143rd position out of 183 countries to 45th in the world and 3rd in Africa.”

President Kagame said that programmes that aim to uplift the needy in the society are ongoing and the government will focus on intensifying them to ensure that each and every Rwandan should benefit.

"We will achieve this by building on the solid foundation of peace and security in our country,”

"We will work on ensuring an environment where all Rwandans will be able to create their own employment or get jobs in order to cater for themselves and their families; where those in agriculture are self-sufficient and even produce for markets,” Kagame said.

The Head of State pledged that those in need of health care will have easy access to it and all Rwandan children will be able to go to school in 2012.

"I take this opportunity to thank all Rwandans, including our army and police, who participated in building classrooms for the nine and twelve-year basic education programme,”

"I also wish to thank all Rwandans for their continued confidence in each other and in our governance institutions. This is part of the ongoing development process in our country.”

The President called on Rwandans to continue promoting home-grown solutions to address the challenges they face. "This will surely earn us the dignity that we deserve,” he added

Kagame noted that 2011 saw the country build good diplomatic relations with other countries, starting with its neighbours, the rest of Africa, Europe, America, Asia, and others and this should continue
in 2012.

"This is in line with our government’s policy aimed at building partnership and cooperation with the rest of the world.”

"Let me conclude by reiterating that we have made good progress. Let us start the New Year with renewed energy, determined to work even harder and smarter, and with resolve to be permanently self-reliant.”
