The New Year presents the opportunity to work even harder

As we begin the New Year, let’s take a moment to reflect on where we have come from and where we want to go. Looking back at 2011, there is no doubt that Rwandans have achieved great strides locally, regionally and on the International scene.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

As we begin the New Year, let’s take a moment to reflect on where we have come from and where we want to go. Looking back at 2011, there is no doubt that Rwandans have achieved great strides locally, regionally and on the International scene.

We have drastically improved the security, education levels, and health of Rwandans as well as lowered poverty levels. Rwanda is more respected abroad, and is becoming a tourism and investor hotspot.

All this would not be possible without dedicated leaders and a committed population. This year has shown that with determination, Rwandans are capable of achieving anything they set their minds to.

However, despite the long list of achievements, there is still a lot of work that needs to get done if we are to achieve a better Rwanda, as outlined in the Vision 2020.

As we take on the New Year, let’s keep our feet on the progress pedal. We should not be complacent. By working diligently and productively together there is no doubt that we will achieve whatever we wish for our families and country.

May you all have a happy and prosperous New Year.