Holiday Activities: 4 Ways to spend days after Xmas

After spending the weekend cooped up in a house, it’s only natural to feel a little itchy for some real-life, non family-related activity that does not involve sitting around a dinner table and eating yourself sick.

Monday, December 26, 2011
some more chareographers at the Bell Larger stall.

After spending the weekend cooped up in a house, it’s only natural to feel a little itchy for some real-life, non family-related activity that does not involve sitting around a dinner table and eating yourself sick. In this spirit, we’ve come up with a list of five full-proof boredom-killing activities for you to try today -- not all of which require you to change out of your holiday sweats, though we highly recommend it.

1.Unfriend the ‘old’ Facebook
Make the switch to the new Facebook Timeline so you can go through super old, forgotten posts -- from before you added your parents as friends! -- and take the proper time to hide anything embarrassing you don’t want seen. For example, that week you posted multiple Jonas Brothers song lyrics to describe your deep feelings about your math class crush. Yeeeah.

2. Clothing purge
It’s time for the piles of old clothes at the back of your closets and in the bottom of your drawers to go to a better place. Get a couple of friends on board and do it together via video chat. Add music to facilitate impromptu dancing. Then, find the nearest orphanage and GET RID OF IT! For good.

3. Be a cheesy tourist!
You know that corny tourist attraction in your hometown you would normally never do, but kind of secretly want to? It’s time to grab your friends and go for it. Pull out all the stops: buy (and wear!) that oversized t-shirt from the gift shop and stage the most over-the-top tourist shots you can think of -- tweeting the photos as you go.

4. See this movie
War Horse is our pick for the must-see movie for both girls and guys that came out this week. Amazing battle scenes, great story, great acting, and lots of animals. Fun fact: we heard that the horses that star in the film have more acting experience than the main character!
