Eliminating malnutrition will require collective efforts

Plans to ensure that causes of malnutrition are eradicated across the country within the next six months have been unveiled. The campaign will involve massive sensitization campaigns at all levels, encouraging people to eat healthy and drink milk.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Plans to ensure that causes of malnutrition are eradicated across the country within the next six months have been unveiled.

The campaign will involve massive sensitization campaigns at all levels, encouraging people to eat healthy and drink milk.

Families have been urged to start kitchen gardens where they can grow various vegetables to supplement their diet.  Among the causes of malnutrition, lack of proper dietary information was highlighted, and to address this, the campaign must reach all stakeholders in the growth and development of children.

It is unacceptable that children should still be affected by malnutrition.

There will be need for cooperation, especially from families to help achieve the target. Sanitation and hygiene should also be a major priority area in this campaign.

Malnourished children are more likely to perform poorly in school and have development problems. Thus, the need for involving schools in the fight is vital. But above all, the fight against poverty is the single most important intervention that can guarantee a population that is free from malnutrition.

This campaign should be given the utmost support and cooperation to ensure a healthy and productive population.
