How to overcome infection without use of anti-biotics

Doctors and patients have started to think twice about whether antibiotics are always the best prescription for everyday infections.  For too long, public demand and increasing infection rate has encouraged doctors to prescribe antibiotics too often for problems that could have been treated less aggressively or for viral infections against which they have no effect.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Doctors and patients have started to think twice about whether antibiotics are always the best prescription for everyday infections.

For too long, public demand and increasing infection rate has encouraged doctors to prescribe antibiotics too often for problems that could have been treated less aggressively or for viral infections against which they have no effect.

As a result, a new breed of antibiotic-resistant super bugs has emerged to threaten us, and many people are plagued with recurring infections because antibiotics have weakened their resistance to disease.

Children in particular are at risk of poor health. Ear infections that are common among children and usually treated with antibiotics can get better with pain relief drugs.

The worst scenario is that a single course of antibiotics may increase a child’s risk of future ear infections.

Unfortunately, some childhood infections have become more widespread despite considerable advances in hygiene and medicine. Smaller families mean that children are less likely to come into contact with infections until they go to school. This, combined with the overuse of antibiotics creates a worrying picture.

However it is important to note that there are natural ways to strengthen immunity from disease so that one is less likely to develop the types of infection for which antibiotics are so often prescribed.

Many complementary therapies can help to reduce the need for antibiotics by improving the immunity so that one can stay healthy and are better able to fight infection.

To get the most out of complementary therapies, it is best to consult a qualified practitioner, but one can help himself get better health by making simple dietary and lifestyle changes that strengthen the natural defenses to disease.

There are a number of ways to eat a fresh or whole food diet which includes at least five portions of washed fruit and vegetables a day. These contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which protect the body against disease.

People should choose organic produce to avoid the antibiotic and pesticide residue in food.  There are other modes of life that people should practice daily.

Avoid alcohol, cigarettes and sugary, fried or fatty food as they have been shown to depress immune system activity and reduce levels of vital vitamins and minerals. Instead of coffee, drink green tea. It is rich in the antioxidants and catechins which can prevent bacterial and viral infection.

Eat a wide variety of foods to get all the nutrients you need, eating little and often for the maximum absorption.

Add herbs and spices to foods to build immunity. For example, garlic is a natural antibiotic, cinnamon helps dispel colds and flu, ginger prevents stomach upsets, basil in antibacterial and anti-parasitic, and oregano is antibacterial and antifungal.

Exercise for at least 30 minutes, 2 to 3 times a week. Moderate exercise has been shown to increase the levels of the body’s natural defender cells. Avoid excessive exercise which reduces immune activity.

Stress depletes levels of protective vitamins and makes you more susceptible to an infection. Relaxation techniques, regular massage or a relaxing hobby can seriously reduce stress levels.

Take a good quality multivitamin and mineral supplement every day, especially if you are prone to recurrent infections. The average diet is unlikely to provide the quantity and variety of nutrients needed for healthy immune function.

Make sure that you sleep well. Having too little sleep inhibits the body’s restorative and repair mechanism and reduces the immunity to infection.

Losing weight for obese people is important. Being severely overweight reduces the production of antibodies and white blood cells, which fight off bacterial infection.

It is important to remember that even healthy people fall ill occasionally. Food provides us with energy so it is vital to eat a nutritious diet.

Too many skipped meals and convenience foods can cause a deficiency of vital nutrients. Even small shortages of micronutrients vitamins and minerals needed in tiny quantities can deplete energy and cause constant low level tiredness. 
