The secret life

Born in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with 14-years experience in the movie industry, Eric Kabera is the director of Hillywood.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Born in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with 14-years experience in the movie industry, Eric Kabera is the director of Hillywood.

Kabera runs a Link Media Production company whose production credits range from the first feature length film on the Rwandan Genocide "100 Days” to multiple documentaries and shorts specialising on the Great Lakes region of Rwanda. He also founded the Rwanda Cinema Centre (RCC) with the intention of training and facilitating filmmaking in Rwanda.

What was your most memorable meal?

I only eat to survive.

What is your favourite home comfort?

A well-made bedroom with nice decorations and designs. And sitting with my gorgeous wife and darling three kids.

What is your favourite late night hangout?

Think of any breezy place which can allow me to have well-engaged intellectual and philosophical conversation.

What is your life philosophy?

Honesty, hardworking, making positive changes and compassion.

What is your favourite item of clothing?

I have two pairs of designer jeans. Sometimes I wish to wear them everyday.

What was the last movie you watched?

"We Are All Rwandans” - the movie is based on a real story that tells us how we should be tomorrow.

When did you last cry?

I’m a very emotional person, so anything small can make my tears drop. I cried two weeks ago. I was watching this documentary, "Keepers of Memory”.

The movie focuses on the personal accounts of men and women who watch over the sacred burial sites keeping the memories alive for future generations.

Who is your best friend?

Probably my wife, Alice. It may sound a little bit selfish but I prefer changing friends often. I’m not sentimental when it comes to keeping or making friends.

Do you go to church, when and why?

I used to but I stopped.
