Relationships:Common dating mistakes to avoid

No one is perfect. If we were all flawless, dating would be so boring. However, some mistakes can be overlooked while others are simply unforgivable!  The first annoying and most common mistake is with women and their cell phones. When you are on a date, your cell phone should stay in your bag. A man doesn’t want to sit across from you watching you chatting online with your friends the entire time. He wants your full attention.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Attentive partners make the best dates. Net Photo

No one is perfect. If we were all flawless, dating would be so boring. However, some mistakes can be overlooked while others are simply unforgivable!

The first annoying and most common mistake is with women and their cell phones. When you are on a date, your cell phone should stay in your bag. A man doesn’t want to sit across from you watching you chatting online with your friends the entire time. He wants your full attention.

Another common date killer is the ex-talk. Sometimes women talk about their ex-boyfriends a little too much. Lady please, I came here because I want to learn more about you not your ex-boyfriend, okay? I also have a past too but you don’t see me screaming about it, do you?

On dates, many people especially men often dress carelessly. Imagine yourself sitting at a romantic joint waiting for your date only for him to stroll in dressed like he’d come straight out of a comic book? Sister, no one will blame you for using the nearest exit!

Another mistake men make is not using their ears. Conversation is a two-way process. Wise up and start listening to what she is telling you because she may well be telling you the path to her heart. If you are talking, you are not listening! Avoid talking about ex’s in a bad way. One day she may be your ex and surely she doesn’t want a preview of how you may talk about her to her with her replacement.

Another silly mistake men make is checking out every girl that passes by—with his head turning from side to side like a car wiper! If he’s not ogling at your bust, his eyes are fixed on the waitresses’ behind! There is seriously nothing attractive about a man who ogles after other women yet his girlfriend is seated right in front him. Leave your glances for when you go back home to traumatize the village belle but not around your date.

Now, just because we are out on a date does not mean there is anything serious between us. We are only getting to know each other so quit acting like we are married and don’t ask who the person I called dear on the phone was.

Some women think it’s okay to drink alcohol like its water. Now do not get me wrong, men can overdo it sometimes, but a drunken woman is a terrible sight! Men don’t like alcoholics. It’s okay to have a few cocktails or even share a bottle of wine. Just don’t drink to the point of wondering how you got home or worse calling him to ask.

Lastly, for men, lacking the ability to commit and having no ambition whatsoever are the mistakes that give men away all too easily. You may not want to be the next President but she needs to know you are a major catch. Have some potential and make her believe you are the kind of man who looks after his woman. I am not saying lie to her but do not lose face. Find out why she thinks you are special and work on that.

By the way, did I remind you to get the check?