Population control is everyone’s responsibility

Editor, I recently held some discussions with parents from Butare that centered on the importance of producing the number of children one can manage. It turned out that people still harbour old fashioned philosophy and view that giving birth to many children is a source of labour.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I recently held some discussions with parents from Butare that centered on the importance of producing the number of children one can manage. It turned out that people still harbour old fashioned philosophy and view that giving birth to many children is a source of labour.

While the country is on track in curbing high population growth rates, I would like to remind every Rwandan that it is our responsibility to support government efforts to control a population growth.

As we progress, we need to check high population growth which is not only a burden to the country’s resources, but denies the children a proper upbringing and better chances to make it in life.

No one wants to see their children miss out on the quality education or medical care.

Jonathan Masabo