RPF’s target is wealth creation, says Kagame

The Chairman of the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF), President Paul Kagame, has told party delegates that the target is to create wealth for the Rwandan people.Kagame made the remarks during the RPF General Assembly that took place in Kigali, yesterday.

Sunday, December 18, 2011
Delegates at the RPF General Asembly in Kigali yesterday. The New Times / J. Mbanda

The Chairman of the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF), President Paul Kagame, has told party delegates that the target is to create wealth for the Rwandan people.

Kagame made the remarks during the RPF General Assembly that took place in Kigali, yesterday.

He pointed out that the country and the people should benefit from hard work that is geared towards improving the living standards of all citizens.

The party chairman, however, cautioned against practices where people accumulate wealth at the expense of others.

In achieving RPF’s targets, Kagame emphasized that everyone has an active role to play. He added that the party exercises an all-inclusive approach to leadership where every citizen plays a participatory role, regardless of their political affiliations.

He cited the just-concluded Ninth National Dialogue as an example of how
all citizens have a say in the affairs of the country.

The bi-annual assembly was also attended by party members living in the Diaspora, as well as leaders of other political parties and non-political government entities.

President Kagame observed that the political philosophy of the RPF, right from its
inception, was such that everyone is actively involved, unlike in a football game where there are 22 players and the rest are fans.

He noted that it is RPF’s policy that everyone is a player with a valued and critical role, emphasizing that no one wants to be a loser.

Kagame, however, pointed out that everyone carries their responsibility for the outcomes and should be accountable for the results.

He observed that RPF adopted the all-inclusive approach in a bid to ensure that no one is left behind in the development process. Kagame added that he knows no country in the world where poverty is appreciated and Rwanda cannot be the exception.

Kagame said that it is not enough to be a law abiding citizen, calling on the delegates to go an extra mile and be more active in their contribution towards the development process.

President Kagame then turned his attention to succession talk, pointing out that today, Rwanda is faced with challenges which need to be urgently addressed and thereafter "many Kagames” capable of leading the country will emerge, calling on the people not to focus on individuals, but rather on the issues at hand.

Kagame sent delegates into prolonged laughter when he mentioned that he is not the only one that was born to carry the ‘burden’ of leadership as there are many people out there who can lead the country. He added that such a mindset should come to an end.

He called on the party members to uphold high levels of discipline, shun acts of selfishness and work in a transparent and honest manner.

The president of the Senate, Dr. Jean Damascene Ntawukuriryayo, who is a member of PSD, and the Speaker of parliament, Rose Mukantabana, attended in their capacities as heads of the two top most legislative bodies of the country.

At the General Assembly, a report of the party’s activities for the last two years
(December 2009-December 2011) and an audit report, both of which were assessed and approved by the delegates.

They also discussed and approved the December 2011- December 2013 action plan, and committed to its implementation.

The delegates also appointed Senator Marie Claire Mukasine and the Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Protais Musoni, to replace Zainabo Kayitesi and Alfred Gasana, because the new official responsibilities of the latter two are incompatible with party duties. The general assembly also extended, by four years, the mandate of the disciplinary commission, and the audit committee.
