Eyes are the best gift given by nature to us, through which we enjoy the lovely world around us. But unfortunately once the normal healthy eye sight is disturbed, there is no way in which it can be restored to normal by means of medicines. Correction by means of eye glasses or operation remains the only option to improve the reduced or damaged eye sight.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Eyes are the best gift given by nature to us, through which we enjoy the lovely world around us. But unfortunately once the normal healthy eye sight is disturbed, there is no way in which it can be restored to normal by means of medicines. Correction by means of eye glasses or operation remains the only option to improve the reduced or damaged eye sight.

Among the many factors which can impair vision, diabetes is a major risk factor. Diabetes is a state of altered deranged metabolism of sugar in the body.

Due to chronically high blood sugar levels, eyes are damaged in multiple ways.

In diabetic patients, the vision keeps on fluctuating resulting in blurred vision, if the blood sugar levels are high.    Diabetic individuals are at greater risk of developing weakness of eye muscles, leading to disturbances in near or far vision.  If one gets eyes examined during this time, there are chances that he may get wrong number for the eye glasses Therefore it is always advisable to get the number of corrective eye glasses only when the sugar levels are normal.

One can also develop diplopia (i.e., double vision), due to weakness of eye muscles caused due to diabetes. This makes routine working very difficult.

If somebody develops damage to the nerves supplying the eye or paralysis of the facial muscles due to uncontrolled diabetes, his or her eyes are also damaged, affecting vision. There may be inability to close the eye completely. In such cases it is advisable that the affected individual uses dark glasses while moving out to prevent exposure to dust or strong sunlight which can hurt the eye or damage it further. While sleeping, it is necessary to keep the eye covered with a soft cotton cloth or patch; otherwise there is a potential risk of some insect biting the eyes.

In some unfortunate persons, the optic nerve (nerve responsible for vision), may be damaged leading to sudden blindness.

Individuals with diabetes are susceptible to develop cataract in the eyes at a much younger age. The lens starts becoming opaque and progresses rapidly to complete opacification, thus affecting vision severely.

Due to increased susceptibility to severe infections in diabetics, unattended mild infection of the eye can progress to infection of all layers of the eyes affecting vision.

Damage to the retina (image forming screen of the eye) is the greatest risk faced by diabetic persons.  Retinopathy invariably develops after 15 to 20 years of diabetes. In uncontrolled diabetes, it develops earlier and in more severe form. Due to diabetic retinopathy, initially one has blurred vision. Later on, the patient complaints of seeing spots and distorted images. Due to formation of new blood vessels in the retina, there is increase in the intraocular pressure resulting in glaucoma.

These injuries to the eyes are further aggravated by use of alcohol or tobacco which are also harmful for the eyes. Along with diabetes, presence of uncontrolled hypertension, kidney failure and or severe anaemia are conditions which can further aggravate the eye problems.

People working with computers for long time are more prone to develop damage to eyes due to uncontrolled diabetes.

People suffering from diabetes should be aware of the potential damage to eyes caused by uncontrolled diabetes. They should try to keep their diabetes well controlled by means of diet, life style measures and regular medication. Smoking and alcohol should be avoided.

Use of plenty of green vegetables and fruits helps to strengthen the eye muscles and keeps eyes healthy. While reading or writing, attention should be given to see that adequate light falls on the book kept in front. After working with a computer for about an hour, it is desirable to have a break of few minutes to give rest to the eyes.

One should avoid   direct exposure to dust and strong sun light while moving out, by using sun glasses.

Efforts have to be made by a diabetic person to keep the eyes healthy as far as possible.

Dr. Rachna Pande
Specialist Internal medicine-Ruhengeri Hospital