…are shamelessly ignorant of world geography. I have noticed that some people were wasting time in school or simply have all the necessary genes to compete in the World Cup of ignorance. I am really sick and tired of all those people who think that Africa is a country and that South Africa, Egypt and Libya are not in Africa. I also hate their stupid cousins who keep referring to Sudan as North Sudan. Let me tell you a big secret. There is no country in the world called South Sudan but there is a fool who thinks there is. Please, slap that fool for me. I have a good lawyer.
…are shamelessly ignorant of world geography. I have noticed that some people were wasting time in school or simply have all the necessary genes to compete in the World Cup of ignorance. I am really sick and tired of all those people who think that Africa is a country and that South Africa, Egypt and Libya are not in Africa. I also hate their stupid cousins who keep referring to Sudan as North Sudan. Let me tell you a big secret. There is no country in the world called South Sudan but there is a fool who thinks there is. Please, slap that fool for me. I have a good lawyer.
…insists on giving advice on things they have no idea about. Please, give a reason why single people who insist on giving advice on marriage should not be locked up in a cage with a hungry lion? I always almost turn violent when I hear such people talking about how to keep a relationship strong yet they are in none. Then we have others who are experts on cars yet I am always with them in public taxis. Who allows these people to exist with all this foolishness? Of course the biggest group is that one of football know-it-alls. These ones need to be sent to the ICC or to the desert without water.
…think they are smart because they own a Smartphone. Ok, so now you own the latest Samsung Galaxy S II or the almost common Blackberry. Well, good for you now that you can stay in touch and communicate effectively. However, do not for one second think that your smart phone can replace the fact that you are not that smart. No need to look down on those who don’t have such a phone. It’s just a phone you bought not a brain transplant. So quit acting like you are now very intelligent because you can access the internet. The same applies to those who think that sitting by an old computer means you are now some kind of professor. Remember, I have a lot of food in my house but that does not mean I am a farmer!
…eat carelessly and end up feeding their clothes too. I now know that there are some people who deserve lifetime bans from all restaurants and hotels. I am talking about all those children in adult bodies. Yes, the ones who cannot finish a plate of food without feeding their clothes with some. The ones who spill sauce on their clothes and all over the table as if they were not hungry in the first place. Why should one’s meal result in more work for whoever has to wash your shirt and the one supposed to clean the table? Such people do not deserve to eat with people like The Hater in the same restaurants. When I see such people I feel like calling my mother to beat them while I cheer her on.
…try to gain cheap popularity by attacking important people. I have just finished sending a letter to the owners of the micro blogging site Twitter asking for permission to look for and beat some sense into the heads of those amateur thinkers who think it’s cool to insult or attack Pres. Kagame just because he is on Twitter. Would you insult your father just because he is on Facebook or Twitter? If you have nothing to write about, then, please, don’t write your nosense on Twitter and at least not to the president. I feel angry when I see the president bothering to even respond to some of these jokers. I hope the Twitter guys can respond to my letter so that I take this hatred to another level.
Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293
The Hater