Registration delayed

Eastern province The Registration exercise in Karenge and Cyasemakamba cells of Kibungo sector in Ngoma district started a bit late as the residents turned up at 10:00am on Saturday.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Eastern province

The Registration exercise in Karenge and Cyasemakamba cells of Kibungo sector in Ngoma district started a bit late as the residents turned up at 10:00am on Saturday.

 By 2:00pm in the afternoon, only 70 people had turned up for registration.

Speaking to The New Times, the registration coordinator of Musanvu villageIgnatius Mungarakarama said that the late turn up of the residents delayed the registration and that he was not sure whether the activity would end in time.

 Also, the registration coordinator of Rurimba village, Florida Uzabakiriho also said that residents in his area delayed to turn-up.

Mukandogano Raurence the coordinator of Isangano village said that his area was facing a problem of students who didn’t have full requirements for the registration.

He however added that the authorities allowed them to register.

Registrars complained about parents who did not come up with their children for registration.

Residents complained about favouritism during the registration.

 Ephraim Rulinda from Rubimba village complained that he waited for over 30 minutes to be registered but he was not considered as other people smuggled in their papers for registration.

All coordinators of 12 villages claimed that two days were not enough to register all the residents. Ends