Healthy Living: Stay healthy during the festive season

Some people think that during the festive season it is time to throw all the health cautions to the wind by over indulging in dangerous activities. Many people are now on leave, but I must say it is not the time to start being lazy, eating the wrong kind of foods or stop participating in different kinds of sports. As much as we want to enjoy during the entire festive season, there are a few things that must be followed and others done or consumed in moderation.

Friday, December 16, 2011
Family BBQ

Some people think that during the festive season it is time to throw all the health cautions to the wind by over indulging in dangerous activities. Many people are now on leave, but I must say it is not the time to start being lazy, eating the wrong kind of foods or stop participating in different kinds of sports. As much as we want to enjoy during the entire festive season, there are a few things that must be followed and others done or consumed in moderation.

Engaging in sports

Going on leave does not mean the beginning of lazy days. Sleeping the whole day is not the kind of holiday that I envision for anyone. Play soccer, skip a rope, do a run, or do a morning /evening walk. This will go a long way into helping someone keep in shape and stay healthy throughout.


Too much of alcohol is harmful to your health. Whether it is that glass of wine, or a bottle of beer, all these should be taken in moderation. Remember that this is usually family time; you therefore cannot afford to have one too many especially if you are going to drive your families around to visit friends or family. 

Portion your food

It is a common fact that when some people go on leave they add on weight. This I found to be true because people eat a lot when they are in a relaxed mood. Portion your food, because two weeks from now you might be talking another language trying to cut on the weight that was gained during your leave time. It is better if one eats in small portions after every few hours, than eating so much after long hours.

Fatty foods

It is said that everybody loves fried food, but too much of fried foods is dangerous. This is the time that many homes prepare lots of fried food. Limit frying the foods or the meats and instead boil or steam. When preparing meats like chicken, de-skinning is the best way to reduce the amount of fat on the chicken. Avoid fatty snacks like the potato crisps and the French fries.

Roast meat

This is the most difficult part for me to say because "Nyama Choma” as is famously known in East Africa is my favourite bite, especially goat ribs found at Wahome’s joint. This roast meat is not only my favourite bite but also to many other millions out there. This time round be conscious and eat the nyama choma in moderation; heart diseases and gout are diseases that can be brought about by eating excess red meat. Instead of red meat, go for white meat like chicken, pork and fish-if one feels they cannot avoid eating red meat, then it should be eaten cautiously.

Green vegetables, fresh fruits, all types of nuts should be eaten in plenty. Water should not be forgotten either, because our bodies are made up of 90% of water. Therefore to be able to function properly during the entire Christmas season lets encourage one another to stay healthy all through- after all the world does not end on one particular Christmas day, stay healthy and live to see many more Christmases. Merry Christmas!