Disi blames Ethiopian fan for Edinburgh exit

Dieudonné Disi has finally spoken out on his failed mission at last month’s World Cross Country Championship in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Dieudonné Disi has finally spoken out on his failed mission at last month’s World Cross Country Championship in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Rwanda’s long distance icon revealed how he was hit in the face by a flag stick which was being held by an Ethiopian fan after 1 minute and 40 seconds and he couldn’t carry on with blood oozing from his face.

In an e-mail sent to the Ministry of Sports and Culture, Joseph Habineza, Secretary General Jean-Pierre Karabaranga and copied to Times Sport yesterday, he said.

"I was in the leading group with the Bekele’s and rest but soon after being hit in the face, I couldn’t continue”.

"With blood oozing from the head to my running costume, I had to abandoned the race,” the message in the e-mail read in parts.

He noted that his manager Ricky Simms immediately took him for medication at a nearby hospital and has since recovered.

Disi finished 22nd in last year’s World championship held in Mombasa, Kenya and was hoping to improve on that position but it wasn’t to be.

The 26-year-old was the sole Rwandan flag bear after his team mates arrived late for the event due to delays in securing UK visas.

Gervais Hakizimana, Slyvain Rukundo, Jean Baptista Simuceka and Angeline Nyiransabimana arrived 24 minutes after the event had started.

Six others; Claudette Mukasakindi, Pélagie Musengimana, Genessi Musabyimana, Cyriaque Ndayikengurikiye, Félix Ntirenganya and Godfrey Rutayisire were denied visas.
