Gatsibo revises town plan

EASTERN PROVINCE GATSIBO— Gatsibo district has drawn a new provisional town plan, offering over 200 plots of land in Kabarore for sale.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


GATSIBO— Gatsibo district has drawn a new provisional town plan, offering over 200 plots of land in Kabarore for sale.

Until recently, Gatsibo district had banned construction of buildings in the town pending the drawing of the new town plan which was presented on March 20 this year. The lifting of the ban gives residents a chance to develop their plots according to the town plan.

The plots on sale are the ones located in the town centre.
In a letter displayed at the district notice board, those interested in buying the plots have been asked to apply to the Gatsibo district authorities.

The district will work as an intermediary between the interested buyers and the current occupants in order for them to be compensated.

Joseph Munyaburange, the Executive Secretary of Kabarore noted that the development would lead to the town getting a new face-lift.

"People have always been interested in buying plots and building in Kabarore and this new development [lifting the ban] is certainly going to boost development in the area,” Munyaburange said.

Residents who talked to The New Times this week welcomed the lifting of the ban, saying it was long overdue.

"It is good to know that we can now buy and build in Kabarore. Housing has been a problem because this place has a large population of working class. We hope this is going to change,” said Gerald Sekyanzi a resident. Work on many commercial buildings in town which had been halted has resumed.
