Check reckless driving on our roads

Editor, Traffic police need to increase vigilance in order to save people’s lives.  Recently, I travelled to Kampala by bus but I was saddened to witness the high level of recklessness practiced by some drivers on the road.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Traffic police need to increase vigilance in order to save people’s lives.  Recently, I travelled to Kampala by bus but I was saddened to witness the high level of recklessness practiced by some drivers on the road.

Another predicament is that passengers fear to raise the issue or ask traffic police to discipline such errant drivers, leaving everything to the Almighty.

Drivers ought to realise that the lives of passengers are in their hands and must therefore exercise maximum care. Though accidents are beyond human control, if drivers are cautious, it is possible to avert them.

Several accidents are mainly caused by over-speeding and overloading. Long distance truck and bus owners should alternate drivers so that fatigue doesn’t come into play as a cause of accidents.

As many accidents involve passengers crossing borders, EAC partnerstates should encourage further cooperation among their traffic police departments.

Daniel Mugisha