Ugandan officials conclude study tour

A group of 32 officials from Kitgum District, in northern Uganda, yesterday, concluded their three-day visit in the country. Speaking to The Sunday Times shortly after their visit at the Ministry of Local Government and Social Development (MINALOC), Luke Nyeko, the Chairperson of Kitgum District said that they came to learn issues concerning conflict resolution.

Sunday, December 11, 2011
Local Government Minister James Musoni (C) with the Chairperson of Kitgum District, Nyeko and another delegate in the foreground. The Sunday Times/ Timothy Kisambira

A group of 32 officials from Kitgum District, in northern Uganda, yesterday, concluded their three-day visit in the country.

Speaking to The Sunday Times shortly after their visit at the Ministry of Local Government and Social Development (MINALOC), Luke Nyeko, the Chairperson of Kitgum District said that they came to learn issues concerning conflict resolution.

 "Kitgum District has undergone insecurities for the last 23 years where people were killed by their own people; others were raped and looted. So we decided to visit Rwanda because we have a similar history,” Nyeko said.

He added that the group was impressed with how the Rwandan government had managed to reconcile its people to again live in harmony just 17 years after the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

"We have learnt that nothing is impossible when there is political will and ambition, and we will emulate how Rwanda has managed to become a clean and non corrupt nation because in Rwanda, people are the centre of the interest of the government,” Nyeko added.

He noted that the experience they have gained will enable them to reconcile the local population back home.

Nyeko added that they will also use the land consolidation mechanism which has helped to effectively and efficiently utilize the available land saying that this will improve the living standards of the citizens of Kitgum District.

"We felt we could visit Rwanda because we have been hearing that the country is making tremendous progress in various aspects of life, and we decided to come and get the secret why our sisters and brothers in Rwanda are developing so fast,” Nyeko said.

During their stay in the country, the group also visited a Genocide memorial site in Rulindo District.

Nyeko said that they will continue to have strong partnership with the Rwandan government.

While at the MINALOC offices, the group was briefed by the Minister of MINALOC, James Musoni about Rwanda’s post Genocide state building and economic recovery.