Focus on innovation and entrepreneurship vital for young graduates

More than 500 students graduated from the School of Finance and Banking, Friday. These are an addition to the many others who recently graduated from other universities and institutions of higher learning.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

More than 500 students graduated from the School of Finance and Banking, Friday. These are an addition to the many others who recently graduated from other universities and institutions of higher learning.

For the fresh graduates and their families and friends, it was all celebrations, marking success and entering a new phase of life.

However, after the celebrations, the graduates have another goal to achieve – finding a stable source of income.

Unlike in the past where every university graduate expected instant employment, it is increasingly becoming apparent, that the job market may never again be able to absorb all those who graduate from our many universities.

This trend is not limited to Rwanda, nevertheless, it should not be seen as an obstacle to success. In a way, it is a challenge that presents an opportunity to make a difference. Innovation and entrepreneurship is the way to go, if the future is to belong to our newly educated elite.

Global advancements in areas of science and technology have presented opportunities to start up businesses that can compete globally. Now that the young generation has been equipped with relevant education, what is required is the confidence and drive to go out there and make a difference. 

Focus on job creation through innovation and private enterprise, rather than seeking jobs, will make the difference.
