Neighbour Diaries: Secrets Revealed

For a long time now, I have been doing things behind Jojo’s back. She is not good at dealing with things when she knows that I am keeping a secret from her, and she is not dense not to realize it when I am up to something

Saturday, December 10, 2011

For a long time now, I have been doing things behind Jojo’s back. She is not good at dealing with things when she knows that I am keeping a secret from her, and she is not dense not to realize it when I am up to something.

It must have been driving her crazy knowing that I was up to something, but not knowing what. True, she had an idea, that there is a girl called Samantha somewhere in our equation. She hadn’t yet confronted me with accusations of cheating on her, probably because she is too damn proud to actually admit that her boyfriend can cheat on her.

I have now saved up some money, in addition to borrowing some, so that I can move out of Jojo’s apartment. I am sure that life will get infinitely better with I am living in my own house, and her having no say in whatever I do.

Well, that was my thought, and my plans were progressing quite well until just yesterday. See, she found out that I am planning to move out of her house. And obviously, she didn’t like it one bit! That, coupled with the issue of Samantha, was a little too much for even her.  She is really good at keeping her cool, but for the first time, I think she came close.

 Samantha. Well, I overcame a major huddle with the way I handled David, her ex-boyfriend. It is interesting what little things can make a woman all mellow up. Just because I handled David well, I seem to have scored in her books. After that incident with David, it was like I had performed a mini -miracle, and she was all receptive to me.

Taking advantage of the situation, I asked her to consider thinking of me as a potential date. And she said, "Ok”. From then, things have been progressing quite agreeably, I can now say I am certainly on the way to getting this fine woman for myself. That is of course, if Jojo doesn’t mess everything up! Which is what it looks like is going to happen.

See, Jojo is on the war path. How she got to know about me moving out is the same old story; my telephone. So, I was in the shower when the phone rang. Normally she doesn’t answer my calls, but this time, I have no idea why decided to answer that particular call. For starters, it was an unknown number calling.

Considering that I was acting suspiciously, at least according to her, she must have decided to answer it. Well, it was my house broker telling me that I need to go pay for the house before someone else takes it. She told him she was my fiancée, and that she would pass on the information to me.  I can imagine how furious she must have been, but to her credit, when I came out of the shower, she didn’t even give a hint that there was something not ok with her.

We even went out for dinner, and it was after we got back home that she told me about the phone call. Still, she wasn’t angry, but there was that dangerous look in her eyes. The issue of the house being taken by someone else was the last thing on my mind there. I could always get another house, right now I needed to know exactly what Jojo was up to. I didn’t bother to explain, just told her that I thought it is time I moved on.

She seemed to be taking it well, and I was beginning to think that just for this once, I might be lucky and get off easily. Then she asked, "Is it because of Samantha that you want to move out?” And then, I knew that nothing was ok. Everything was wrong. I had seen what happens to girls that Jojo sets her mind on, and it is not nice at all. This time, I was truly worried.