Fashion ’n Style: Sorting out your wardrobe

Have you ever woken up on a Monday morning, left with about ten be minutes to leave the house for office, looked for a nicely ironed shirt but failed to get one?  When you get lucky and find one, the tie goes AWOL?  All you see is Friday night’s jacket and jeans tossed over the chair, or worse, sprawled out on the floor?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Have you ever woken up on a Monday morning, left with about ten be minutes to leave the house for office, looked for a nicely ironed shirt but failed to get one?  When you get lucky and find one, the tie goes AWOL?  All you see is Friday night’s jacket and jeans tossed over the chair, or worse, sprawled out on the floor?

In disgust, you make your way to your wardrobe to find a chaos of shirts, jeans, and sweaters, some of which were last worn a year back! Well, those are the consequences of an unorganized wardrobe! To many people, especially unmarried folk, organizing a wardrobe is the kind of chore for which they constantly find excuses to avoid.

When you have a poorly organized wardrobe, everything starts to get lost in it. Not only can you not find what you need whenever you need it, but as you rummage through it the mess gets worse and you continuously build up a negative association with getting dressed every day.

In this article I will reveal some valuable tips when it comes to organizing your wardrobe, the biggest reason to organize your wardrobe shouldn’t only be just to make space, but to be able to find your clothes.

First, take out everything especially anything that has nothing to do with clothing from the wardrobe. Clean the floor and the whole wardrobe. Pile out every item you haven’t worn in the last 2 years, every piece that doesn’t fit or is more than you need.

Hang all your collared shirts, jackets, and even pants. Personally, I usually fold my pants because I don’t like the crease that you get on the leg when you hang them. Always fold your sweaters, or any heavy garments for that matter made of thicker material like wool, gravity is their worst enemy.

 Get rid of all wire hangers as they will damage the shoulder line, use wooden or plastic hangers. Create two bags called Charity (to donate to charity obviously), Bin (items beyond donating). Make sure these are clearly labelled because it’s a real pain when you accidentally put an item in the wrong bag.

Only a few days of not putting your clothing in their proper place will make your entire closet system start to regress towards chaos. When you’re tempted to throw your clothing over the top of your chair, your bed, or floor, take 20 seconds to put away the outfit in its rightful place. You will thank yourself the next day.

Organizing your closets can appear to be a daunting task. But with the right determination and well-crafted plan, you can work your way toward a well-organized closet!